Natalie is Currently a Doctoral Student, attending Liberty University pursuing a degree In Educational Leadership! We Currently Partner With J.D. Davis Elementary School of Columbus, GA!
In addition to J.D. Davis, We Would Love To Partner With You! Consider This... As Parents we take our children to the dentist, when they need dental care, We take them to the hospital for health care needs! We ensure they attend school daily for an excellent education... However, Personal Development that includes, empowerment, direction, focus, leadership and character building are also essential in a young persons life. We specialize in areas that are going to build your leader up and contribute to their goal accomplishments Say Yes to Role Model Academy, Modeling and Personal Development School for your Youth Empowerment Needs! Emotional Intelligence is a key component of our curriculum. I encourage You to Check out the Book at your convenience. Many Times Our Environment ( School, Parents, Friends, & Family) Shape our Perceptions, and Behaviors. Sometimes Barriers are created that aren’t necessarily noticeable. OFTEN TIME IT'S HARD TO SEE THE PICTURE WHEN YOU'RE IN THE FRAME! Emotional Intelligence Targets four areas of concerns, that sometimes HINDERS a Leaders success.
Our students learn the industry’s best practices from experienced professionals. We invite you to come learn in a positive, challenging and supportive environment with professional instructors who are dedicated to your success, development and growth. Join us today and let your best self shine! Contact Us Today! Business Phone: 706.341.3950 Business Email: [email protected] Address: 3100 Gentian Blvd | Ste. 007L | Columbus, GA 31907
What a Way to Pay It FORWARD!
We Offer Scholarships To Deserving Students For Modeling & Personal Development! Without our donors and supporters, some deserving students wouldn't be able to attend our school! We would like to highlight a donor that has truly made a substantive difference in two students lives! Mrs. Velasquez!!!! She provided two full paid scholarships on behalf of deserving students! Thank you for your Contributions Mrs.Velasquez… If you want information about our school or if you would like to learn how you can donate to support a local student attending our school! Contact Us Today 706.341.3950 Moreover, if you would like to find out if your Model qualifies for a RMA Scholarship! Contact Us Today! Our students learn the industry’s best practices from experienced professionals. We invite you tocome learn in a positive, challenging and supportive environment with professional instructors whoare dedicated to your success, development and growth. Join us today and let your best self shine! Adult Course Overview
1. The Essence of Being Fearfully & Wonderfully Made! Do You Struggle with Your Self-Worth and or Self-Esteem? Many Do not fully grasp what it truly means to be “Fearfully & Wonderfully Made” By God Himself…What It Means to Experience the True Image of Who You Were Called and Purposed to be! This Class Challenges You to Remove the Obstacles from Your Lens that Prevent You From Seeing Clearly as God See’s You! 2. Professional Boundaries: Leaders/Management | (3 Hours) Most of us can make quality decisions when students are behaving…but what about when SHIFT HAPPENS…they are disruptive, rude and disrespectful? This dynamic class, presented with multiple and interesting techniques is fun and enlightening! Compliance with legal and ethical codes of conduct is a must in providing excellent student-centered learning environments…This is a course that every lifel long learner cannot afford to miss! Key Areas: Self-Regulation Attitude Role Model Behavior | Classroom Management Choices Morals & Values 3. Emotional Intelligence!* Do You Wear Your Emotions on Your Sleeve? Does This Cause Issues in important Relationships, or Are You Just sick and tired of reacting to things in the same old way! Learn to Know Better & Do Better! Learn How to Control Your Emotions and not blame others or use them as an excuse for your Behaviors! Emotional Intelligence plays a major role on the job, with friends & family! Take Control of Your Emotions today! 4. Distorted Thinking & Expectations! Do You Often Have Stinkin Thinkin…Thoughts That Limit your abilities to be Further in life, More Successful or Socially inclined! Do Your Thoughts Prevent You From Being Happy & Content! This class explores 11 Common Types of Distorted Thinking that lead to Depression and Anxiety! 5. What You Believe Is Exactly What You Get!* Are You Single, In a Dead-end relationship, or maybe working a job you Hate? Is Life Boring or are you tired of living the life you have? Well Guess what YOU and Only You have the ability to change your status and what you attract! If you are not happy I guarantee it is a reflection of your conscious and subconscious thoughts and not to mention what you dare speak! This class will teach you how to TAKE CHARGE & attract what you want in life! 6. It’s Okay to Be A B.OS.S.! Sometimes It is hard being a Girl & BOSSY! There are so many Labels and or Stereotypes provided for strong, Bold, Optimistic, Sophisticated and Savvy ladies. How do You work through it Gracefully? Maintain who you are and Not Succumb to what society suggests your role should be as lady first and always! From personal experience as a Soldier, Supervisor, to several leadership classes; this class will offer positive tools and affirmations that Empower you to BE ALL YOU CAN BE & what you were DESIGNED TO BE! 7. Write The Vision & Make It Plain!* Do You Struggle with Accomplishing Tasks? Staying Focused, Structured and or Organized! Being on Time and the list could go on AND on… Then this is the class for You! NO MORE Excuses & Living a Substandard, Mediocre Life! Do not Take your Life For granted! What Will the Dash between Your year of Birth and your final breath Say about you, What will be your Legacy? LETS GET FOCUSED! 8. Maximize Your Potential!* “And to one He gave five talents, another two, to another one, to each according to his own ability; and immediately he went on a journey”. What talents and gifts have YOU been given? And what are you doing with them? Each of us has at least one talent, and some two and three. This Class Requires Action… It is a Command, a Mandate if you will to Remove any form of Complacency, Mediocrity & or Excuses…If you are up for the Challenge….This Class is For You! 9. UpGrade Your Life!* It’s Time For A Personal UpGrade! Upgrading is a Way of Life and You Can Practically upgrade anything these days–-phones, cars, & financial investments to name a few.TheUpGrade Your Life Workshop provides Simple Step-By-Step Strategies to Enhance You as an Individual– the Root that Leads to a Overall Happy life! Classes with (*) serve both Women & Men! It is my Honor to Serve you! Please Feel Free to Sign up for any of the following Classes below! There is an adage that suggests “My People Perish Due To a Lack of Knowledge.” Registration is Now Open! Classes Start in Soon! Only 12 Seats Per Class! 2/8/2020 0 Comments RMA Mannequin Modeling...![]() Companies use Models to launch advertisements of their products on the market. It is a industry of well paid jobs and experiences.
Modeling is not as simple as it looks. It is a field requires skill, and discipline! As a Model you may get the opportunity to meet people from different walks of life. You may find the opportunity to travel across various countries! We Prepare Our Students For Representing FIRST Themselves well and then the designer well through our Course Requirement of Mannequin Modeling & Much More! Join Us Today If You Think Modeling Is For You! Our students learn the industry’s best practices from experienced professionals. We invite you tocome learn in a positive, challenging and supportive environment with professional instructors whoare dedicated to your success, development and growth. Join us today and let your best self shine! Book Your Free Audition Now Contact Us Today! Business Phone: 706.341.3950 Business Email: [email protected] Address: 3100 Gentian Blvd | Ste. 007L | Columbus, GA 31907 2/8/2020 0 Comments RMA Model Auditions...Way To Go Mariah! Elegance, confidence, grace and dignity! Our body language and posture speak volumes before we even say a word! This Model Graduate Totally Encompassed The Skills needed to book Auditions & Win! While we are primarily a school. Students are properly trained on technique, professionalism, and modeling industry procedures. Once students are properly trained, they are submitted for any jobs in which they fit the description of what the client is looking for. Our students learn the industry’s best practices from experienced professionals. We invite you tocome learn in a positive, challenging and supportive environment with professional instructors whoare dedicated to your success, development and growth. Join us today and let your best self shine! Book Your Free Audition Now Contact Us Today! Business Phone: 706.341.3950 Business Email: [email protected] Address: 3100 Gentian Blvd | Ste. 007L | Columbus, GA 31907 2/8/2020 0 Comments RMA Model AlumniWe Have A Private Community For Model Graduates!
This Community is provided for students who successfully complete the program and strut on Graduation Day! DREAMS DON'T WORK UNLESS YOU DO IS OUR COMMUNITY'S MOTTO! Our students learn the industry’s best practices from experienced professionals. We invite you tocome learn in a positive, challenging and supportive environment with professional instructors whoare dedicated to your success, development and growth. Join us today and let your best self shine! Learn More About Our School! Contact Us Today! Business Phone: 706.341.3950 Business Email: [email protected] Address: 3100 Gentian Blvd | Ste. 007L | Columbus, GA 31907 2/8/2020 0 Comments Model Of The Year!Pictured Above Alex & Her Family Graduation Night
We Love Our Students & Model Graduates & We're Looking For Our Next Model Of The Year! Alex Was Our Last Model of The Year Alex...She met and excelled in all of the requirements including being on time for every session not missing one day of training! Our Model of The Year Wins A CASH Prize, among other things for their commitment and dedication to excellence! Attendance: Consistent and prompt attendance is required in order to graduate. Models more than 5 minutes late will need to reschedule your session. Rescheduling Class: In the event that you have an excusable absence, please notify your instructor as soon as possible to reschedule your session. Models will not graduate without completion of every session. Check-In: Attendance is recorded and models are responsible for signing in upon arrival with their instructor. Wardrobe: Model should display the model look for every session. Choose clothing from your wardrobe that demonstrates the Model Look! Please be sure to wear or bring at least a 2-21/2-inch heel for every class. No Heels, No Session. Tennis shoes are not permitted during your session. Model must be well groomed with a minimum of 4 accessories. Session Requirements: Each model should be sure bring their personal RMA textbook to each session. Models are expected to participate and complete assignments outside of our sessions. There is no gum chewing during class. Also be sure to bring a bottle of water to every session. Training: All training is to be put to immediate use. Models are expected to practice and apply new skills learned. Courtesy: Elegance, Class & Sophistication is what we exhibit at all times. Models are expected to be professional, exhibit self-respect, common courtesy, and tactfully welcome constructive criticism. Evaluations & Assessments: Each model must satisfactorily complete and pass each session in order to graduate. It is the model’s responsibility to be an active agent in ensuring they are retaining and displaying skills taught during the sessions. Our students learn the industry’s best practices from experienced professionals. We invite you to come learn in a positive, challenging and supportive environment with professional instructors who are dedicated to your success, development and growth. Join us today and let your best self shine! Book Your Free Audition Now Contact Us Today! Business Phone: 706.341.3950 Business Email: [email protected] Address: 3100 Gentian Blvd | Ste. 007L | Columbus, GA 31907 2/8/2020 0 Comments RMA Runway Rewards...Pictured Above One Our Model Graduate Winners!
We Offer Quarterly Contests For Our Model Alumni! Within Our Community, Contest Opportunities Are Posted Quarterly! We Give A Variety of Prizes From Cash To Gift Cards! We VALUE OR STUDENTS & MUTUAL INVESTMENTS... Our students learn the industry’s best practices from experienced professionals. We invite you tocome learn in a positive, challenging and supportive environment with professional instructors whoare dedicated to your success, development and growth. Join us today and let your best self shine! Book Your Free Audition Now Contact Us Today! Business Phone: 706.341.3950 Business Email: [email protected] Address: 3100 Gentian Blvd | Ste. 007L | Columbus, GA 31907 2/5/2020 0 Comments Model Graduates...Each And Every Model EARNED Their Right To Graduate! Each Model Adhered To The Following Polices & Graciously Rocked The Runway!
Attendance:Consistent and prompt attendance is required in order to graduate. Models more than 5 minutes late will need to reschedule your session. Rescheduling Class:In the event that you have an excusable absence, please notify your instructor as soon as possible to reschedule your session. Models will not graduate without completion of every session. Check-In:Attendance is recorded and models are responsible for signing in upon arrival with their instructor. Wardrobe:Model should display the model look for every session. Choose clothing from your wardrobe that demonstrates the Model Look! Please be sure to wear or bring at least a 2-21/2-inch heel for every class. No Heels, No Session. Tennis shoes are not permitted during your session. Model must be well groomed with a minimum of 4 accessories. Session Requirements:Each model should be sure bring their personal RMA textbook to each session. Models are expected to participate and complete assignments outside of our sessions. There is no gum chewing during class. Also be sure to bring a bottle of water to every session. Training:All training is to be put to immediate use. Models are expected to practice and apply new skills learned. Courtesy:Elegance, Class & Sophistication is what we exhibit at all times. Models are expected to be professional, exhibit self-respect, common courtesy, and tactfully welcome constructive criticism. Evaluations & Assessments:Each model must satisfactorily complete and pass each session in order to graduate. It is the model’s responsibility to be an active agent in ensuring they are retaining and displaying skills taught during the sessions. Graduation Date & Rehearsals Will Be Made Available At Session 11 2/3/2020 0 Comments Who's In Your Village??Most of Us Are Familiar With The Adage...It Takes A Village to Raise A Child! However, I submit To You That The Quality/Characteristic of The Village Is Extremely Important! The Wrong Village Could Damage A Child, While, A Healthy Village Could Empower A Child To Be ALL They Were DESIGNED TO BE!
As Parents we take our children to the dentist, when they need dental care, We take them to the hospital for health care needs! Empowerment, Direction, Focus and Personal Development is also essential in a young person's life. Say Yes to Role Model Academy, Modeling and Personal Development School for your Youth Empowerment Needs! One of My Favorite Subjects Thus Far has been Emotional Intelligence! I encourage You to Check out the Book at your convenience. Many Times Our Environment ( Parents, Friends, & Family) Shape our Perceptions, and Behaviors. Sometimes Barriers are created that aren’t necessarily noticeable. Emotional Intelligence Targets four areas of concerns, that sometimes HINDERS a Leaders success.
Our students learn the industry’s best practices from experienced professionals. We invite you to come learn in a positive, challenging and supportive environment with professional instructors who are dedicated to your success, development and growth. Join us today and let your best self, shine! Contact Natalie Nicole Today for a Free Consultation: 706.341.3950 Business Email: [email protected] Address: 3100 Gentian Blvd | Ste. 007L | Columbus, GA 31907 Take Advantage of this Excellent Empowerment Opportunity and Special Savings! |
Natalie Nicole